The Rotary Club of Point Pleasant Boro Celebrates 50 years of Service
The Rotary Club of Point Pleasant Boro is a volunteer service organization whose members donate their time and resources to help others in the community and throughout the world.  The Boro Club is one of more than 35,000 clubs and 1.2 million Rotary members worldwide.
The mission of Rotarians is to provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through fellowship of business, professional and community leaders. From literacy and peace to water and health, Rotarians are always working to better not only their community, but the world.
The Rotary Club of Point Pleasant Boro was chartered on May 3, 1971, and is celebrating its 50th anniversary.  From its inception, members of the Boro Rotary are guided by the moto of “Service Above Self” and the 4-Way Test. At every Rotary meeting, the members recite the 4-Way Test “Of the things we think, say and do”:  Is it the TRUTH; Is it FAIR to all concerned; Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS; Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned. 
Over the past 50 years the Rotary Club of Point Pleasant Boro has been an integral part of the community.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised throughout the years and donated to the community and Rotary International projects. Polio awareness, clean water initiatives and the “Gift of Life,” a national not-for-profit registry facilitating transplants and care to children with heart disease throughout the world are just a few international projects supported by the Boro Club. 
On a local level, Boro Rotarians can be found sponsoring their annual 5K run, their annual car show, Go for the Gold and Holiday 50/50.  Funds raised supported high school scholarships, the police, fire and emergency squads, the garden club, little league and food pantries just to mention a few.  Every year Rotarians across the country distribute dictionaries to 3rdgraders and this Rotary Club continues the tradition with distribution to all Boro 3rd grade students. A new project this year initiated during the pandemic was to collect over 1000 adult puzzle books which were donated to local hospitals and nursing homes.
Although the pandemic curtailed many of the normal annual activities, the Club is moving forward starting with the 31stannual car which will be held on Tuesday, August 17th at Crystal Point.  Planning is also in the works to resume the annual 5K run in June of 2022.
The Rotary Club of Point Pleasant is extremely thankful for all support received by the community.